About stringwise
Stringwise offers non-auditioned holiday courses for young string players aged 6 – 14 years. It is a fundamental part of our philosophy to accept all comers, without audition. Music is targeted at the correct level for each child and we have access to a large library of orchestral and chamber music, which allows us to be flexible in the allocation of music to groups. Holiday courses run in the Easter and Summer holidays and we usually use Hornsey School for Girls in North London.
Courses are four days non-residential from 9.15 to 3.15 and we usually have 80 -100 children attending. Children are divided by age and experience into four strands: Red, Purple, Blue and Gold. We go to a lot of trouble to place children in a group where they will feel comfortable, both from a playing and a social point of view. The optimal placing puts a child where they can cope comfortably with some of the music, and be challenged by other pieces.
The courses are generously staffed; typically, there are two tutors and at least one student helper in each strand with one member of staff dedicated to supervising break times, and dealing with any other problems.
One of the main strengths of Stringwise is its emphasis on chamber music; every child in the top three groups (approximately age 7 upwards) will have two sessions of chamber music per day. In addition, each instrumental strand forms an orchestra and a feature of the final concert is a piece written for a multi-level ensemble incorporating all four orchestras.
We also have a General Musicianship element which changes from course to course, recently including dance, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, story-telling, composition and singing. We bring in specialists who can contribute unique and interesting approaches to this important topic.