One of the main strengths of Stringwise is its emphasis on chamber music; every child in the top three groups (approximately age 7 upwards) will have two sessions of chamber music per day.
We have access to a large library of orchestral and chamber music and aim to be flexible in the allocation of music to groups.
In addition, each instrumental strand forms an orchestra and a feature of the final concert is a piece written for a multi-level ensemble incorporating all four orchestras.
We also have a General Musicianship element which changes from course to course, recently including dance, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, story-telling, composition and singing. We bring in specialists who can contribute unique and interesting approaches to this important topic.
When a child moves up depends partly on their progress, but also on available space in the next group up. We feel strongly that children are sometimes much happier playing slightly easier music to a high standard with great confidence, rather than struggling at the very bottom of a harder group.
Yes, we welcome older beginners. We work very hard to balance their musical and social needs, as far as we can. Older beginners may find themselves grouped with slightly younger children but where possible we will adapt music to enable them to play with their own age group.
We look carefully at the information you give us on your application form, and use it to place your child in the most appropriate group – both in terms of age and experience. Please note that, depending on the overall makeup and standard of all the children on each course, the thresholds for the groups will vary. This could mean that your child does not move up a group when you are expecting so, or alternatively we need to move children around to maintain the important balance of age and standard within each group.
This depends on the children being at roughly the same level, and if we can we’ll try and keep friends together. However, if friends are not put into the same group, we rarely find this to be a problem as there is plenty of social time throughout the day where all the children can spend time with each other.
Break times and lunch times are always supervised by a first aid trained member of staff. As our courses are generously staffed, there are always plenty of adults around (and often one or two playing football!)
Yes, all the children staying for the full day need to bring a packed lunch. During the morning and afternoon break times, squash and biscuits are provided.
Stringwise is run by a team of Directors: Deborah Young, Polly Francis, Hannah Gardiner and Josh Salter. Each course we invite a selection of London’s top string teachers to join us, many of whom return each year. Previous teachers have included: Sheila Nelson, Cecily Mendelssohn, Wendy Max, Cathy Elliot, Phillipa Bunting, Adrian Thorne, Daniel Smith, Mary Lou Graham, John Francis, Laura McWilliam, Julie Spencer, Rob Spriggs, Katherine Gillham, Mary Price O’Connor and Paul Oldfield.